N49RF HRD GPS Dropwindsonde Scientist Log Storm Katrina Dropwindsonde Scientists Krystal Valde -------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- Flight ID 050824N Flight Director Paul Flaherty Takeoff from MACDILL at 1801 UTC ---------------------- --------------------------------------------- ---------- ---------- Mission ID 0412A KATRINA AVAPS Operators Ray Tong/Dave Brogan/Mark Rogers Recovery at MACDILL at 0209 UTC --------------------- --------------------------------------------- ---------- ---------- +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Drop Sonde Time Lat Lon Surface Wind closet DLM Comments | | # ID # (UTC) (°N) (°W) Pressure to surface wind | | (mb) dir/spd hgt (kt) | | (kt) (m) | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 1 011245347 182955 25.79 84.32 1013.2 16° 06 8 70° 09 Some weak telemetry at mid levels; RH heat. cycles | | 2 011245288 183941 24.75 84.87 ------ -------------- -------- Late winds 186 s; no winds 800-835 mb | | 2A 011245087 184240 24.44 84.71 ------ 8° 04 N/A 70° 10 Telemetry problems bottom half of sonde--did not | | reach sfc.; set heights missing; intermittent | | winds; RH heating cycles | | 3 011245377 185648 22.85 84.14 1011.7 330° 08 598 75° 07 Late winds 78 s; telemetry bad 560-580 mb; | | intermittent winds; RH2 only | | 4 011245343 190916 21.67 85.00 1011.9 337° 04 8 95° 05 Flagged winds 418/425 s | | 5 011245366 192618 21.01 82.96 1011.8 272° 04 5 120° 03 Late winds 69 s | | 6 011245086 194951 21.23 80.01 1010.6 241° 10 8 205° 04 No T,RH first 3 minutes; RH2 only above 400 mb; no | | winds 533-567 mb | | 6A 002648022 195210 21.00 79.87 ------ 250° 10 N/A 210° 04 "Backup" sonde; late winds 56 s; telemetry problems | | and spotty winds below 875 mb--did not reach sfc.; | | set heights missing | | 7 011245336 201032 19.05 78.94 ------ 107° 08 N/A 125° 17 Lost telemetry and GPS below 371 mb--did not reach | | surface; set heights missing | | 8 003135212 203622 19.54 76.56 1012.3 273° 19 41 230° 06 Over cirrus; noisy GPS signal | | 9 011245345 205319 20.06 74.04 1011.8 52° 04 8 140° 05 Weak telemetry most of sounding; multiple wind gaps | | 10 011245179 211026 21.98 73.95 ------ -------------- -------- Over clouds | | 11 002648030 212819 23.03 72.08 1013.6 130° 12 47 200° 07 Late winds 84 s; switched from RH1 to RH2 at 630 s; | | cirrus; no winds 245-276 mb | | 12 010715140 214801 25.01 72.99 1013.7 137° 14 7 165° 09 100% RH @ ~300 mb; RH heating cycles | | 13 003135218 220526 26.99 73.00 ------ -------------- -------- Telemetry poor/missing and no winds below 482 mb-- | | did not reach surface | | 14 033135214 223111 29.99 73.04 ------ -------------- -------- | | 15 002648025 224454 31.00 74.50 1016.4 144° 06 5 210° 03 Cirrus; no temperatures and RH until near surface | | 16 011245281 225827 31.89 75.99 ------ -------------- -------- No T and RH; sounding terminated early about 4 min. | | after launch | | 16A 010715185 225928 31.82 76.09 ------ -------------- -------- "Backup" sonde | | 17 011245344 231612 30.02 77.08 ------ -------------- -------- | | 18 003135211 232951 29.94 78.94 ------ -------------- -------- Noisy GPS signal; RH heating cycles | | 19 003135210 234443 28.20 78.95 ------ -------------- -------- | | 20 003135215 235751 28.13 77.17 ------ -------------- -------- | | 21 003135275 001148 27.04 75.67 ------ -------------- -------- Delayed launch detect 10 s; no winds below 548 mb; | | RH heating cycles | | 22 002648024 002716 25.25 75.12 ------ -------------- -------- Winds only near BOD and EOD; RH2 only | | 23 003135226 005320 22.67 76.87 1013.4 234° 12 5 225° 12 RH at 250 mb: 39.2 %; weak/poor telmetry and spotty | | winds at 625-675 mb; RH heating cycles | | 24 002648031 010833 22.82 78.77 ------ -------------- -------- RH heating cycles | | 25 003135207 012717 24.03 80.75 1012.2 307° 06 8 340° 05 RH at 250 mb: 60.7%; no winds 770-926 mb | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+