N49RF HRD GPS Dropwindsonde Scientist Log Storm Isidore Dropwindsonde Scientists Sean White, Hugh Willoughby, Pay-Liam Lin -------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- Flight ID 020919N2 Flight Director Paul Flaherty Takeoff from MACDILL at ~1730 UTC ---------------------- --------------------------------------------- ---------- ---------- Mission ID 1310A ISIDORE AVAPS Operators Dave Brogan, Dale Carpenter Recovery at MACDILL at ~0200 UTC --------------------- --------------------------------------------- ---------- ---------- +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Drop Sonde Time Lat Lon Surface Wind closet DLM Comments | | # ID # (UTC) (°N) (°W) Pressure to surface wind | | (mb) dir/spd hgt (kt) | | (kt) (m) | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 1 003825288 182134 22.99 78.98 1010.2 110° 20 129 125° 19 Thin cirrus and low broken Stratocum; no winds from | | 784 and 894 mb | | 2 003825030 184245 21.55 76.46 1010.4 101° 20 5 145° 09 Scattered low Cu; P bias -2.5 mb | | 3 003825287 190438 22.94 74.00 1012.0 117° 15 5 -------- | | 4 021925046 191758 21.94 72.54 1011.5 65° 18 5 10° 10 P bias -2.4 mb | | 5 003825249 193359 20.12 73.21 ------ ------------- -------- Stratus undercast; delayed launch detect 5 s; ends | | at 685 mb | | 6 021735245 195303 19.44 75.39 1010.2 212° 21 --- -------- Clear below | | 7 021925226 201043 17.47 74.06 1010.7 93° 12 7 80° 10 Telemetry completely lost from 190 to 238 mb | | 8 021925005 202238 16.25 74.99 1010.0 50° 05 4 125° 07 | | 9 003825229 203501 15.07 76.06 1010.0 129° 06 8 130° 07 Undercast | | 10 021925222 205448 16.24 77.99 1009.1 148° 10 5 180° 09 Undercast | | 11 003825262 211502 17.45 80.01 1007.9 156° 18 7 165° 19 Stratus to just below f/l | | 12 021925252 213238 16.60 82.06 ------ ------------- -------- In cloud; bad T, no RH | | 12A 021925043 213406 16.73 82.18 1006.8 204° 15 7 235° 08 In cloud; weak telemetry and only a couple of winds | | 659-708 mb | | 13 004255038 214453 17.75 83.00 1005.6 230° 17 8 270° 13 In cloud; late winds | | 14 021925134 215739 18.78 84.04 1004.9 315° 15 5 315° 13 In cloud; P bias -2.8 mb | | 15 003825291 221655 16.52 84.58 1005.3 315° 06 8 280° 05 In cloud; late winds; dry | | 16 000345655 223136 16.63 86.45 1005.3 360° 03 8 305° 03 In cloud | | 17 021925129 224939 18.75 86.00 1005.3 345° 07 5 340° 05 In cloud | | 18 003825289 230901 21.00 85.55 1004.4 360° 13 4 30° 10 In cloud | | 19 003825245 233118 23.00 87.63 1006.9 54° 14 8 115° 08 Scattered Cu, some Cb | | 20 021925221 234852 23.08 89.95 1007.5 80° 10 7 155° 11 Less than 60% Cu | | 21 021925042 000802 25.44 89.93 1007.6 106° 13 7 105° 12 Scattered low Cu | | 22 003825244 002658 25.47 87.49 1008.1 81° 14 8 140° 10 Dark | | 23 003825027 005256 23.74 84.99 1007.3 77° 21 8 75° 22 Dark | | 24 003825253 010717 25.51 84.96 1009.7 98° 19 8 -------- Dark | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+