Florida Bay Science Oversight Panel


Integral to the implementation of the Florida Bay Research Program is independent expert review.  This need has been served by the Florida Bay Science Oversight Panel and is defined in the original 1994 interagency science plan. That plan defined the Panel's role as providing regular, broad, technical and management review of agency plans, of PMC strategies for program development, of the scientific quality of research, modeling and monitoring, and of research results and inferences. The Panel consists of seven senior scientists with significant experience in major estuarine restoration programs but without involvement in Florida Bay projects. The Panel participates in annual conferences by formally leading question and

answer sessions and by providing written reports to the PMC presenting critical review and recommendations for advancing the program.


Additionally, the Panel has, at the request of the PMC, arranged for ad hoc advisory panels of experts in specialized subject areas to participate in technical workshops where critical research issues and questions are addressed. These workshops also lead to written recommendations that the PMC accepts as guidance in coordinating the interagency program as described above. To date, substantive workshops have included: Circulation Modeling (April 17-18, 1996), Nutrients (July 1-2, 1996), Water Quality Modeling (October 22-24, 1996), Higher Trophic Level (November 4-5, 1997), Seagrass Modeling (January 12-14, 1998) and Paleoecology (January 22-23, 1998). The PMC will continue to involve the Florida Bay Science Oversight Panel with the Florida Bay Research Program as described above. Based on the advice of its panels, the PMC has created a standing modeling advisory group from the expert panels convened for the circulation and water quality workshops but also including modelers connected to the developing ecological program.