2017 PhOD Summer Interns

For the summer of 2017, the Physical Oceanography Division of AOML is hosting three students from the Maritime and Science Technology (MAST) Academy.

Alexander Ciquegrana is a high school student from Maritime and Science Technology (MAST) Academy started his internship with PhOD on March 31, 2017. He is working on an experiment that seeks out to determine the weight tolerances of the different parts that make up a deep blue XBT probe that date back to production years 2008 -2016.  The results obtained from his work will be used to determine potential variations in the XBT fall rate due to changes in the XBT probes.



Luiz Fernando Lemos Do Valle, a high school  student from Maritime and Science Technology (MAST) Academy started internship over the summer (6/12-7/21) with the Instrumentation Group at the Physical Oceanography Division.  Luis will learn how to program in C and Python programming languages to develop software that outputs test data that will be used for running bench tests on the Adaptable  Bottom Instrument Information Shuttle System (ABIISS). 

Steve Marrero, a high school student from Maritime and Science Technology (MAST) Academy started internship over the summer (6/12-8/11) in the Physical Oceanography Division. Steve will be supervised by Dr.Greg Foltz  and Dr. Marlos Goes, and his work will involve exploring the variability of  the Atlantic Equatorial Undercurrent using a reconstruction from XBT and  altimetry data and from PIRATA mooring data. Steve will learn MATLAB programming, basic statistics and time series analysis, and equatorial oceanography. This work will be a testbed to explore future synergies  between the XBT-altimetry reconstruction and PIRATA datasets.


