AOML's Ocean Chemistry and Ecosystems Division

Ongoing Henry Bigelow Data » 2014 Data

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R/V Henry Bigelow cruise track showing color coded fc02 data derived from data that can be found in the csv data file.

HB1401 Legs 1-5
Spring Bottom Trawl Survey
3/29/14 - 6/01/14

R/V Henry Bigelow cruise track showing color coded fc02 data derived from data that can be found in the csv data file.

Deep Corals with ROPOS
6/18/14 - 7/01/14

R/V Henry Bigelow cruise track showing color coded fc02 data derived from data that can be found in the csv data file.

Cetacean & Turtle Biology
7/25/14 - 7/30/14

R/V Henry Bigelow cruise track showing color coded fc02 data derived from data that can be found in the csv data file.

Deep Coral Habitats
8/05/14 - 8/16/14

R/V Henry Bigelow cruise track showing color coded fc02 data derived from data that can be found in the csv data file.

HB1405 Legs 1-4
Autumn Bottom Trawl Survey 9/08/14 - 11/13/14