Peter Black (HRD) Flight Planning, Dropsondes
Robert Black (HRD) Cloud Physics
Eric Uhlhorn (HRD) Hurricane surface flux
Gustavo Goni (AOML/HRD) Ocean heat content
Paul Chang (NESDIS/ORA) Satellite applications
David McLaughlin (UMass) SFR, web, data archive
Jeff French (ARL) ET Probe, BAT
Eric D’Asaro (APL/UW) Lagrangian Float
Kerry Emanuel (MIT) Theory, dropsondes
Eric Terrill (Scripps) Floats
Jeff Nystuen (APL/UW) Acoustics of wave and precipitation
Ken Melville (Scripps) Wave breaking
Ed Walsh (NASA) SRA
Chris Fairall (ETL) Sea Spray (CPC)
Bill Asher (APL/UW)) Sea Spray (PDA)
Pearn Niiler (Scripps) Drifters
Wil Drennan (UM/RSMAS) Moisture flux
Shuyi Chen (UM/RSMAS) Coupled modeling
Nick Shay (UM/RSMAS) Ocean responce
Chi-Sann Liou (NRL) COAMPS modeling