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HRD Products Matrix

Note: Most of the Type1 and some of the Type2 data is currently online and available for FREE. Any Type1 and Type2 data currently not available online will be made available based on the time set in the "Web Availability" column. Almost all Type3 data is on a request bases only. For any data upon which a request is needed, cost may incur. Please contact the listed HRD personnel for more detailed information on the product of inquiry.

Type Availability Typical Web
NOAA Flight-level
Raw data
Description: 1 second data listing for each NOAA flight.
Type1 2005-Present (Online)
after flight Aircraft Operations Center
QC'ed data
Description: 1 second data listing for each NOAA flight quality controlled and post-processed.
Type2 2005-Present (Online)
1-3 months after flight Neal Dorst (email)
QC'ed data
[Standard Tape]
Description: 1 second listing for each NOAA flight in AOC Standard Tape format on Digital Audio Tape (DAT).
Type2 1976-2005 (Offline)* Upon Request* Neal Dorst (email)
Joe Griffin (email)
Pass data
Description: Post Processed Radial Pass data NOAA and AFRES Flight-level data.
Type3 1976-2002 (Online)* Upon Request* Dr. Hugh Willoughby (email)
Mission Summaries
Description: Written summaries of research flights by the Principal Investigator.
Type2 1996-present (Online) after HFP hrdwebmaster
NOAA Flight films & videos
Digital Video
Description: Inflight videos from the forward, downward, and side looking cameras of NOAA planes.
Type1 2007-present (Online) After flight Aircraft Operations Center
Video disks
Description: Inflight videos from the forward, downward, and side looking cameras of NOAA planes.
Type2 2005-2006 (Offline)* Upon Request* Neal Dorst (email)
Video tapes
Description: Inflight videos from the forward, downward, and side looking cameras of NOAA planes.
Type2 1994-2005 (Offline)* Upon Request* Neal Dorst (email)
Description: 16mm films of NOAA Missions prior to 1994.
Type2 Prior-1994 (Offline)* Upon Request* Neal Dorst (email)
Description: Single sweeps and animations.
Type3 2004-Present (Online) 2-3 months after flight Nancy Griffin (email)
Doppler/Dropsonde Composite Wind Analyses
[Graphics/Gridded data]
Description: Composite wind analyses from Doppler radar for entire flight with dropsonde data on plots (by altitude).
Type3 2009-Present (Online) 2-3 days after flight Dr. Sim Aberson (email)
Research Reflectivity Composites
Description: These more detailed radar reflectivity composites were made after the NOAA P3 flights for research purposes.
Type2 1994-2008 (Online)
(Upon Request)*
Upon Request* Dr. John Gamache (email)
Dr. Frank Marks (email)
Operational Reflectivity Composites
Description: These radar reflectivity composites were made on-board the NOAA P3 research aircraft and sent via satellite to the National Hurricane Center for operational use.
Type2 1994-2005 (Online)
(Upon Request)*
2-3 days after flight Dr. John Gamache (email)
Dr. Frank Marks (email)
Description: Vertical incidences cross sections, Short-interval center-pass composites, Single sweeps every n minutes, and animations.
Type3 1989-Present (Offline)* Upon Request* Dr. John Gamache (email)
Dr. Frank Marks (email)
GPS dropsondes
Real-time messages
Description: Operationally Processed TEMPDROP messages sent off aircraft in real-time.
Type1 1996-Present (Online) 1 week from end of flight hrdwebmaster
Processed TEMPDROP
Description: TEMPDROP messages in HSA format + PDF plot.
Type2 1996-Present (Online) 3 months from end of season Kathryn Sellwood(email)
Dr. Sim Aberson (email)
Description: Raw ASCII AVAPS (Airborne Vertical Atmospheric Profiling System) files, .5 sec listings & sonde logs.
Type2 1996-Present (Online) 3 months from end of season Kathryn Sellwood(email)
Dr. Sim Aberson (email)
Post Processed data
Description: Post Processed GPS Dropsondes ASCII spreadsheet ready.
Type3 1996-Present (Offline)* Upon Request* Kathryn Sellwood(email)
Dr. Sim Aberson (email)
H*Wind analyses
Surface Analysis
Description: HRD Surface Winds Analyzes, including analysis graphic, data coverage plot, gridded field and GIS Shapefiles.
Type2 1994-Present (Offline)* Upon Request* Database POC
Dr. Mark Powell (email)
Shirley Murillo (email)
Swath Products
Description: H*Wind Swath products: graphics, gridded field and GIS Shapefiles.
Type3 1994-Present (Offline)* Upon Request* Database POC
Dr. Mark Powell (email)
Shirley Murillo (email)
Cloud Microphysics
Particle Image Data
Description: 2-D images of microphysical cloud and precipitation particle data.
Type2 1992-Present (Offline)* Upon Request* Robert Black (email)
Analyzed Precipitation Particle Data
Description: Analyzed size distribution of microphysical precipitation particle data. Max paritcle size 6.4mm/9.6mm (monochrome/grey).
Type3 1992-Present (Offline)* Upon Request* Robert Black (email)
Analyzed Cloud Particle Data
Description: Analyzed size distribution of microphysical cloud particle data. Max paritcle size 1.6mm/1.92mm (monochrome/grey).
Type3 1992-Present (Offline)* Upon Request* Robert Black (email)
Analyzed FSSP
(Forward Scattering Spectrometer Probe)
Description: Analyzed size distribution of cloud and precipitation data from the Forward Scattering Spectrometer Probe. Max paritcle size 45µm.
Type3 1992-Present (Offline)* Upon Request* Robert Black (email)
Airborne eXpendable BathyThermograps
Description: Airborne eXpendable BathyThermograph quality controlled profiles.
Type2 1997-Present (Online) 1 year from end of season Dr. Joe Cione (email)
Stepped Frequency Microwave Radiometer
Analyzed Time Series
Description: NetCDF file time series of winds, rain rates, and brightness temperatures.
Type2 1998-Present (Online) 1 year from end of season Heather Holbach (email)
Analyzed Time Series
Description: ASCII time series of winds, rain rates, and brightness temperatures(at this time only winds are available).
Type2 1998-2006 (Online) 1 year from end of season Heather Holbach (email)
Raw data
[Standard Tape]
Description: On Flight-level standard tapes see above.
Type2 1998-Present (Offline FREE)* Upon Request* Heather Holbach (email)
Hurricane Weather and Research Forcast model
HWRFx realtime web products
Description: Real-time web products
Type1 2009-2010 (Online)* Real Time Dr. Xuejin Zhang (email)(email)
Dr. Gus Alaka(email)
HWRFx retrospective web products
Description: Retrospective web products
Type2 2005,2007-2010 (select cases)* 2009-2010 (Online)* Dr. Xuejin Zhang (email)
Dr. Gus Alaka(email)
HWRFx realtime diapost data
Description: Real-time diapost data
Type1 2009-2010 (Offline FREE)* Upon Request Dr. Xuejin Zhang (email)
Dr. Gus Alaka(email)
HWRFx retrospective diapost data
Description: Retrospective diapost data
Type2 2005,2007-2010 (Offline FREE)* Upon Request* Dr. Xuejin Zhang (email)
Dr. Gus Alaka(email)
HWRFx realtime raw output
Description: Real-time raw output
Type1 2009-2010 (Offline FREE)* Upon Request Dr. Xuejin Zhang (email)
Dr. Gus Alaka(email)
HWRFx retrospective raw output
Description: Retrospective raw output
Type2 2005,2007-2010 (Offline FREE)* Upon Request* Dr. Xuejin Zhang (email)
Dr. Gus Alaka(email)
* Due to needed labor to produce products costs may incur.
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