Mission Summary

19920922H1 N42RF
Tropical Storm Tina 1992

Flight Crew ( N42RF )
FlightDirectr Bogert
Pilot Phillipsborn
Pilot Kennedy
Navigator Strong
FlightEnginer Wade
FlightEnginer Torrey
Data Technicn Raines
Electric Tech Leno
ElectEngineer Roles
Radio Operatr Arnason
FlightDirectr McFadden

Scientific Crew ( N42RF )
Lead Proj Sci Marks HRD
Radar Science Dodge HRD
Radar Science Burpee HRD
Observer Carswell UMass
Observer Paylor UMass
Dropsonde Sci Sullivan UMass

Take off Landing
Puerto Vallarta, Mex 1511 UTC Puerto Vallarta, Mex 58 UTC

Mission Summary :

Vortex evolution and ERS-1 overpass of Tropical Storm Tina, 6 fixes.
The flight took off from Puerto Vallarta, Mex at 1511Z on 09/22/1992 and landed at Puerto Vallarta, Mex at 58Z the next day with 6 penetrations.

Mission Data :

1 second data

Flight Director log | Lead Scientist log | Radar log | Cloud Physics log | AXBT log | Dropsonde log

Flight Track

Temp & Dew Point

Wind & Altitude

Data Tapes
Radar 10 1647 Z2309 Z
PMS cloudphy 1 1600 Z 30 Z

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