WP-3D Flight-level Data

Flight-level data (analog and digital) is collected centrally by the main aircraft data system, displayed on 32 channels at each station on the aircraft, and recorded on tape for subsequent analysis. The data are available at 40 Hz (FAST) and 1 Hz (SLOW) temporal resolution on 9-track tape prior to 1993 and on DAT since 1993. Available parameters include:

Navigational Parameters Instruments
Position, position update (and other required parameters) INE and GPS
Radar and pressure altitude Radar and pressure altimeters
Meteorological Parameters
Free air temperature (derived) Rosemount total temperature
Static and dynamic pressure Rosemount
Dew point temperature General Eastern
Horizontal wind (computed) INE/TAS; GPS
Vertical wind (computed) High-resolution angle of attack, pitch angle, vertical acceleration
Radiation Parameters
Sea surface temperature AOC modified PRT-5
CO2 air temperature AOC modified PRT-5
Long wave radiation Eppley radiometers
Miscellaneous Parameters
Cloud structure; surface wind Video photography (nose, side and vertical)
Momentum flux Friehe radome-mounted gust probe (10-Hz)

Example: Time-series of flight-level tangential, radial, and vertical wind components, with surface pressure for Hurricane Hugo (1989)


Friedman, H. A., W. J. Brown, and J. D. Michie, 1982: Airborne Research Meteorological Data Collected by the National Hurricane Research Laboratory during the NOAA/RFC WP-3D Era - Inventory and Availability. NOAA Data Report ERL AOML-2, ERL, B oulder, CO, 390 pp.

Friedman, H. A., C. A. Arnhols, N. M. Dorst, C. J. Nelson, and W. J. Brown, Jr., 1984: Airborne Research Meteorological Data Collected by the National Hurricane Research Laboratory (Hurricane Research Division/AOML) during the 1982-1983 Hurricane Seasons - Inventory and Availability. NOAA Data Report ERL AOML-3, AOML, Miami, FL, 158 pp.

A.Barry.Damiano@noaa.gov or Frank.Marks@noaa.gov

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Updated August 28, 2001