READCTD This readme file accompanies the 1-decibar downcast CTD files. The file names are MB96XXX.asc where MB96 stands for Malcolm Baldrige 1996 and XXX is the CTD cast (from 1 to 104). The MB96XXX.asc files are TAB delimited. The location and time of the cast can be found in the CTDloc.csv file. The values are for the down cast. The data has not undergone post cruise calibration. Comparison with the bottles salts suggests a 0.015 offset in the CTD values with the bottle values being saltier. A large hysterises was noticed in the T and S for upcast versus downcast. This might be due to incorrect plumbing of the pumps with the pump flows being reversed (D. Wilson, personal communication). Column headings MB96XXX.asc: Pr: pressure in dB T090: temperature (primary sensor) OxMm/Kg: oxygen sensor (not reliable) Sal00: salinity Potemp090: potential temperature Sigma-Ô00: potential density Dm: ???? Flag: all 0 values