DATE:  September 22, 2000

Florida Bay Phytoplankton Bloom Research Team

FROM: Gary Hitchcock and Ed Phlips
SUBJECT:  Meeting Announcement



The next Florida Bay and Adjacent Marine Systems Science Conference will be held April 24-26, 2001, at the Westin Beach Resort in Key Largo, Florida. The format of the upcoming conference will be different than that of past meetings in that there will be no individual presentations.  Instead, a one-hour synthesis presentation will be given for each of the five Central Questions. The synthesis presentations will be preceded by a poster session devoted to the specific questions. Everyone whose work contributes to the synthesis is asked to submit an abstract and poster.  The call for "draft abstracts" has been posted with an October 1 deadline.  The final poster abstracts will be due on February 15, 2001.   The synthesis will have to be provided to the PMC as a draft document for limited distribution (PMC, Phytoplankton Bloom Research Team, and Oversight Panel members only) by April 1, 2001.  Following each synthesis presentation the Oversight Panel will be given an opportunity to ask questions of any of the attending members of the research team whose research and posters formed the basis of the synthesis presentation.


The Bloom Research Team needs to prepare for this new approach, as well as to address the future direction and objectives of Florida Bay bloom-related research. Our specific recommendations are in the latest Florida Bay Oversight Panel Report. This information is available at:

We are therefore scheduling a meeting on Tuesday October 24, 2000; this meeting is coordinated with the Nutrient Team workshop in Miami on the following day (Oct. 25).  The specific objective of Bloom Team meeting on Oct. 24 is to synthesize research results into a conceptual model to be presented the upcoming science conference. We will post a draft conceptual model for the participants by Oct. 13 with the meeting agenda.  The second task at the meeting will be to select the presenter(s). 


Please confirm that you can attend this meeting via e-mail to Gary Hitchcock ( or Ed Phlips (  The meeting will be held in the first floor conference room at NOAA/AOML in Miami. 


Thanks for your help in meeting this goal.