Steven M. Davis, South Florida Water Management District, West Palm Beach, Fl.




A brackish water ecotone of coastal bays and lakes, mangrove and buttonwood forests, salt marshes, and tidal creeks separates Florida Bay from the freshwater Everglades.  The 24 km-wide ecotone adjoins the north shoreline of Florida Bay between Highway Creek (US1) and Whitewater Bay, which delineate the eastern and western boundaries of the mangrove estuary transition model.  Whitewater Bay is included in the model because it is influenced by the Shark River drainage basin originating in the Everglades.  The mangrove estuary transition is characterized by a salinity gradient and mosaic that vary spatially with topography and that vary seasonally and inter-annually with rainfall and freshwater flow from the Everglades.  Because of its location at the lower end of the Everglades drainage basin, the mangrove estuary transition zone is potentially affected by upstream water management practices that alter the freshwater heads and flows that drive salinity gradients.





Stressors on the mangrove estuary transition ecosystem and the drivers that create them fall into five categories (refer to figures on pages D-A-87& 88).  Sea level rise is an important non-societal driver (Wanless et al., 1994) that is causing the inland movement of marine conditions into the estuary transition zone (Meeder et al., 1996).  The inland movement of marine conditions due to sea level rise is happening independent from other societal-driven stressors.  The societal-driven water management operations of the C&SF Project stress the transition zone through reductions in the volume and duration of freshwater flow entering the zone (McIvor et al., 1994)  The introductions of exotic fishes and plants are other societal-driven drivers that have resulted in the dominance of the Mayan cichlid east of Taylor Slough (Trexler et al., in prep.) and the invasion of Schinus and Colubrina into mangrove forests (Armentano et al., 1995).  The societal input and bioaccumulation of mercury and other toxins pose a threat to faunal health at all trophic levels in all south Florida ecosystems, including the mangrove estuary transition, as discussed under generic issues.





The inland movement of marine conditions due to sea level rise and the reduced input of freshwater due to water management work together to alter and compress the salinity gradient of the mangrove estuary transition (Browder and Moore, 1981).  They both result in the landward movement of salinity, the loss of a seasonal shift from moderate saline to oligohaline conditions, and occurrence of hypersalinity within the transition zone during dry years. Both directly change habitat structure by contributing to the siltation and mangrove encroachment of tidal creeks (Meeder et al., 1996), to the extent that open water courses that were described earlier this century are no longer recognizable (Glen Simmons, personal communication).


The alteration and compression of the salinity gradient results in the loss of the spatial overlap of salinity zones with shoreline habitat and nursery grounds (Browder and Moore, 1981).  Ecological values of the mangrove estuary transition that depend on the overlap of salinity and habitat include the mangrove/salt marsh vegetation mosaic, the resident mangrove fish assemblage, the wood stork and roseate spoonbill, the American crocodile, spotted seatrout nursery grounds, pink shrimp nursery grounds, and coastal lake vegetation and waterfowl.





Mangrove/salt marsh vegetation mosaic.  The alteration and compression of the salinity gradient potentially can affect the community cover, distribution, and production of the mangrove forests (Rhizophora, Avicennia, Laguncularia, and Conocarpus), salt marshes and tidal creeks of the mangrove estuary transition that are documented by Welsh et al. (1995).  Some mangrove forests in the transition zone have experienced invasion by the exotic trees Schinus and Colubrina (Armentano et al., 1995).  Tidal creeks and adjacent salt marshes have been encroached by red mangrove as described above.  The invasion of the freshwater marl marshes at the upstream end of the salinity gradient by red mangrove (Meeder et al., 1996) corresponds to an accelerated rate of sea level rise.  The vegetation mosaic defines the habitats of the mangrove estuary transition zone.  The spatial distribution of those habitats, in combination with the salinity gradient that overlays them, may determine the suitability of this region to sustain its ecological attributes (Browder and Moore, 1981).  The importance of this habitat mosaic warrants the monitoring of the distribution and cover of vegetation communities and tidal creeks in the mangrove estuary transition zone as efforts proceed to restore freshwater inputs and salinity regimes.


Resident mangrove fish community.  The resident fish community of sheepshead, sailfin mollies, topminnows, rainwater killifish, and sunfish thrives under low salinity, decreasing in production and increasing in mortality when salinity exceeds 5-8 ppt (Lorenz, 1997 and in press).  The exotic Mayan cichlid has become established in this fish community to the extent that it presently is the dominant species from Taylor River east to Highway Creek (Trexler et al., in prep.).  Lowered salinity regimes due to increased freshwater inputs are expected to result in community recovery as measured by increased production and abundance of resident mangrove fishes.  The dependence of wood storks on larger resident mangrove fishes above approximately 10 cm in length (Ogden et al., 1978) provides an additional measure of increased survival of topminnows and sunfish to year class one (into their second year of life).  Consistently lower salinities at the upstream end of the salinity zonation are expected to reduce mortality and allow survivorship of these species to the larger size classes that are available to wood storks. 


Wood stork and roseate spoonbill.  The collapse of the coastal nesting colonies of wood storks and great egrets is attributed largely to a decline in the production and density of the resident mangrove fishes (Ogden, 1994), particularly topminnows and sunfish that survive past their first year to a size that wood storks can capture (Ogden et al., 1978).  The decline in roseate spoonbill nesting and the shift of nesting distribution from eastern to western Florida Bay (Powell et al., 1989) are also attributed to the reduction in populations of resident mangrove fishes upon which they feed (Bjork and Powell, 1994).  Small fishes have been reported to be the primary part of the diet of roseate spoonbills in Florida Bay (Allen, 1942; Powell and Bjork, 1990).  Increased density of resident mangrove fishes and increased fish survival to year class one, as a result of consistently lower salinity patterns at the upstream end of the gradient, are expected to contribute to the re-establishment of wood stork coastal nesting colonies, the re-establishment of roseate spoonbill Florida Bay nesting colonies east of Seven Palm Lake, and an increase in number of nesting pairs and nesting success of both species.    


American crocodile.  The American crocodile dwells in the ponds and creeks of the mangrove estuaries of Florida Bay (Ogden, 1976; Mazzotti, 1983).  American crocodiles are tolerant of a wide salinity range as adults because of their ability to osmoregulate (Mazzotti, 1989).  Juvenile crocodiles lack this ability, however, (Mazzotti, 1989) and their growth and survival decline at salinities exceeding 20 ppt (Mazzotti et al., 1988; Mazzotti and Dunson, 1984; Moler, 1991). Juvenile crocodiles tend to seek freshwater pockets such as black mangrove stands when those choices are available.  Re-establishment of a salinity gradient with levels below 20 ppt in shoreline and tidal creek habitats, which would indicate a gradient and mosaic of lower salinities upstream, is expected to benefit the crocodile as measured by increased growth and survival of juveniles.


Spotted sea trout nursery grounds.  Post larval spotted sea trout utilize the coastal basins of the Florida Bay mangrove estuary as nursery grounds from Terrapin Bay west to Whitewater Bay.  Densities of post larvae in those basins are highest at an intermediate salinity range of 20-30 ppt, and densities drop when salinity exceeds that of seawater (35 ppt) (Thayer et al., 1998; Schmidt, 1993).  Restoration of a salinity gradient with a persistent zone of <35 ppt in the coastal basins, as a result of freshwater input from upstream, is expected to result in an increase in the post larval density and thereby an enhancement of the nursery ground value for spotted sea trout and possibly other sport fish species in the coastal basins.


Pink shrimp.  Mangrove estuaries in Everglades National Park, along with Florida Bay, are nursery grounds for pink shrimp, an ecologically and economically important species in south Florida.  Pink shrimp are harvested commercially on the Tortugas grounds, and the pink shrimp fishery is one of south Florida’s most valuable fisheries in terms of ex-vessel value.  Pink shrimp are also a food source for many recreationally and commercially important estuarine and marine species such as mangrove snapper and spotted seatrout (Higher Trophic Levels Working Group, 1998).


Pink Shrimp spawning occurs in the Dry Tortugas area, and eggs and larvae are carried inshore by currents and tides (Jones et al., 1970; Hughes, 1969).  Browder (1985) and Sheridan (1996) have found positive relationships between indices of freshwater inflow to the coast and Tortugas pink shrimp landings.  Sheridan’s annually updated statistical model based on various freshwater inflow indices has successfully predicted annual pink shrimp landings in most of the past decade (Sheridan 1996 and unpublished).  The salinity gradient associated with coastal runoff may provide navigational directions to immigrating young pink shrimp (Hughes, 1969).  Survival rates of juvenile pink shrimp are sensitive to salinity and decrease markedly under extreme hypersaline conditions (Browder, in press).  Optimal salinities for survival are not fully determined, but probably are somewhat below that of seawater (35 ppt).  Tabb et al. (1962), Rice (1997), and others have documented that the mangrove estuaries in the Whitewater Bay system of Everglades National Park are pink shrimp nursery grounds.


Coastal lake vegetation and waterfowl.  Compression of the salinity gradient has changed the coastal lakes and basins of the mangrove ecotone from estuarine to predominantly marine systems.  Coastal lakes such as Seven Palm Lake, Cuthburt Lake, Long Lake, West Lake, Lake Monroe and the Taylor River ponds are contained within the mangrove forest and are connected to Florida Bay only by tidal creeks.  Coastal basins such as Joe Bay, Little Madeira Bay, Terrapin Bay, Garfield Bight, and Whitewater Bay open directly to Florida Bay or the Gulf of Mexico.  The coastal lake and basin estuary ecosystems require seasonal salinity variations from oligohaline (wet season) to mesohaline (dry season) conditions, in contrast to the mesohaline to marine conditions that presently occur during most years. Prolonged periods of salinity concentrations near that of seawater (35 ppt) in the coastal lakes and basins appear to have contributed to the near-elimination the once-abundant beds of the submerged aquatic plants Ruppia, Chara, and Utricularia (Ogden, personnal communication) which require oligohaline to mesohaline conditions (Morrison and Bean, 1997).  Utricularia tolerates only oligohaline salinities with an upper limit of 5-8 ppt.  Chara also thrives under freshwater conditions but tolerates mesohaline salinities up to 15-20 ppt.  Ruppia grows under a mesohaline salinity range of 10-25 ppt.  Waterfowl species including coot, scaup, widgeon and pintail feed on the Ruppia, Chara, and Utricularia.  The reduction in beds of these plants apparently has contributed to the precipitous decline in numbers of seasonally abundant waterfowl that formerly utilized the coastal lakes and basins (Kushlan et al., 1982).  Recent high-rainfall years have witnessed an increase in coot numbers on the West Lake to approximately 2000 during winter 96-97 (Bass, personal communication), but not to the population size of approximately 50,000 that over-wintered there until the 1960's (Kushlan et al., 1982).  Re-establishment of a salinity gradient that restores seasonal variation from oligohaline to mesohaline conditions in the coastal lakes and basins is expected to result in an increase in the aerial cover of Ruppia, Chara, and Utricularia and the return of winter waterfowl populations of coot, scaup, widgeon and pintail to the lakes and basins.





Ecological restoration of the mangrove estuary transition requires a reduction in the frequency of high salinity events that have been identified for each coastal basin through the conceptual model process.  Another restoration measure is to increase the frequency of low salinity events that have been identified for each coastal basin.  The high and low salinity levels represent the best professional judgement of those scientists working in the mangrove estuary, based on the existing information on the biological requirements and distributions of the estuarine organisms that are described above, available salinity data, and field observation.


Table 1 displays the lower and upper salinity levels identified for coastal basins.  It is desirable to decrease the frequency that salinity exceeds upper levels, and to increase the frequency that salinity drops below lower levels.


Table 1

Salinity Values


Lower Level

Upper Level

Joe bay

5 ppt

15 ppt

Little Madeira Bay

15 ppt

25 ppt

Terrapin Bay

25 ppt

35 ppt

Garfield Bight

25 ppt

35 ppt

North River Mouth

5 ppt

15 ppt


The strategy for ecological restoration of the mangrove estuary transition is to maintain freshwater heads and flows in the Everglades at the upstream end of the salinity gradient in order to achieve desirable salinity regimes in the Florida Bay coastal basins at the downstream end of the salinity gradient.  Regression analyses demonstrated inverse relationships of salinity in the coastal basins to water level upstream in the Everglades (Davis, 1997).  The regressions indicated that stages of 7.3 and 6.3 feet msl at the P33 gage in central Shark River Slough produce the lower and upper salinity levels for Joe Bay, Little Madeira Bay, Terrapin Bay, Garfield Bight, and North River Mouth.  Four performance measures for the ecological restoration of the Florida Bay mangrove estuary and coastal basins are derived from the simulated stages at the P33 gage and salinity levels in the coastal basins.


The frequency of stages of 6.3+ at P33 is applied as a performance measure for the Florida Bay coastal basins.  The performance measure is the number of months during the 31-year period of record when stages at P33 rose to, or above, 6.3.  The target is the number of months that NSM45F provided stages of 6.3 or above.  A reduced frequency of high salinity events is given a high priority in the ecological restoration of the coastal basins, thus the frequency of 6.3+ stages is given a weighting of two when averaged with the other performance measures.


The frequency of stages of 7.3+ at P33 is applied as a performance measure to the Florida Bay coastal basins.  The performance measure is the number of months during the 31-year period of record when stages at P33 rose to, or above, 7.3.  The target is the number of months that NSM45F provided stages of 7.3 or above.  An increased frequency of low salinity events is given a lower priority than a reduced frequency of high events, thus the frequency of 7.3+ stages is given a weighting of one when averaged with the other performance measures for the coastal basins.


The transition from the late dry season to the early wet season during March through June is a critical period to estuarine organisms in the Florida Bay coastal basins regarding the frequency and duration of high salinity events. Salinity is estimated based on relationships between mean monthly salinity in the coastal basins and water stage at the P33 gage in mid Shark River Slough.  The cumulative salinity difference (ppt) from the high salinity levels that have been identified for Florida Bay coastal basins is summed during the dry/wet season transition months of March-June.  Differences are summed over five coastal basins (Joe Bay, Little Madeira Bay, Terrapin Bay, Garfield Bight and North River Mouth) and over the 31-year period of record.  Differences above the specified high salinity levels are given a positive value, and differences below the high salinity levels are given a negative value.  The target is to reduce the cumulative salinity difference to a value that does not exceed the cumulative difference produced by NSM45F.  The cumulative March-June salinity difference from high levels is given a weighting of one when averaged with the other performance measures for the coastal basins


During the August-October transition from the late wet season to the early dry season, it is important to achieve low salinity levels in the Florida Bay coastal basins to provide the seasonal environment for low-salinity estuarine organisms and to postpone the onset of high salinity events further into the dry season. Salinity is estimated based on relationships between mean monthly salinity in the coastal basins and water stage at the P33 gage in mid Shark River Slough.  The cumulative salinity difference (ppt) from the low salinity levels that have been identified for the Florida Bay coastal basins is summed during the wet/dry season transition months of August-October.  Differences are summed over the five coastal basins and over the 31-year period of record.  Differences above the specified low salinity levels are given a positive value, and differences below the low salinity levels are given a negative value.  The target is to reduce the cumulative salinity difference to a value that does not exceed the cumulative difference produced by NSM45F.  The cumulative August-October salinity difference is given a weighting of one when averaged with the other performance measures for the coastal basins.


Ecological attributes and indicators of restoration success in the Florida Bay mangrove estuary and coastal basins that are linked to the above hydrology/salinity performance measures in the conceptual model include 1) increased production of low-salinity mangrove fishes, 2) re-establishment of coastal nesting colonies of wood storks/great egrets and eastern Florida Bay colonies of roseate spoonbill, 3) earlier timing of coastal colony formation by wood storks/great egrets and of Florida Bay colony formation by roseate spoonbills, 4) increased growth and survival of juvenile American crocodiles, 5) increased cover of low-to-moderate salinity aquatic macrophyte communities in coastal lakes and basins, 6) return of seasonal waterfowl aggregations to coastal lakes and basins, 7) enhanced nursery ground value for spotted seatrout and pink shrimp in coastal basins, and 8) persistence and resilience of the mangrove, salt marsh and tidal creek vegetation mosaic.


A performance measure that is generic to the conceptual models of all physiographic regions of south Florida is the input and bio-accumulation of mercury and other toxins.  Potential inputs of mercury and pesticides in agricultural and urban runoff water that may be needed for freshwater input into the mangrove estuary transition might result in reduced health, behavioral and physical abnormalities, and loss of reproductive vigor of the fauna unless measures are taken to restrict loads of these toxins in inflow water.  Measures of faunal health that reflect responses to mercury and pesticide inputs include body burdens and the incidence of physical and behavioral abnormalities in representative species.





Predicted rises in sea level require re-evaluation of relationships between Everglades stage and mangrove estuary transition salinity during the next century.  However, the strategy for the maintenance of salinity at the lower end of the gradient by adjusting upstream water stage at key Everglades gages will continue to apply.  Maintaining Everglades stages based on presently derived stage/salinity relationships provides one potential strategy to support a salinity gradient, but with a landward shift in response to rising sea level.  Raising Everglades stages based upon revised stage/salinity relationships provides another potential strategy to offset sea level rise and maintain the mangrove estuary transition in its present location. Regardless of rising sea level, however, a salinity gradient supportive of an ecologically functional mangrove estuary transition zone will be required to maintain the integrity of the south Florida ecosystem. 



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