Florida Bay Higher Trophic Levels Integrated Science Plan


March 21, 2001


    The Higher Trophic Levels (HTLs) Plan is designed to address Question #5 of the Florida Bay Interagency Strategic Science Plan, "What is the relationship between environmental change, habitat change and the recruitment, growth, and survivorship of higher trophic level species?" In this context, the term "Higher Trophic Levels" includes zooplankton, benthic invertebrates such as mollusks and crustaceans (particularly decapods), fishes, marine mammals, marine reptiles, and water birds.


    The objectives of the Florida Bay Higher Trophic Levels Plan are as follows:

    The evolving approach of the HTL Plan to addressing Question #5 of the Florida Bay Science Program is to address the following topics:

  1. Determine human influences (e.g., water management, fishing) and major natural influences on biological processes affecting growth, survival, and recruitment;
  2. Determining the major factors that influence HTL distribution and abundance patterns and community and trophic structure;
  3. Identifying major pathways, mechanisms, and influencing factors in the transport of pre-settlement stages of offshore-spawning species onto Bay nursery grounds; and
  4. Determining ecological processes influenced by HTL species distributions or community and trophic structure.

    A series of questions are posed relative to these topics.


Management needs for scientific information about Florida Bay Higher Trophic Level species and communities

    A main responsibility of the Florida Bay Science Program is to develop the scientific knowledge and tools to support the Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan (CERP). CERP is led by the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers and the South Florida Water Management District but involves many other Federal and State agencies, as well as local governments and Native American Tribes.

    CERP proposes to restructure the intricate system of canals and control structures by which flows of fresh water to Florida Bay and all South Florida estuaries are managed. A primary CERP goal is to restore South Florida’s public wetlands and estuaries by restoring a more natural quantity, timing, and distribution of freshwater inflows. The CERP implementation process is designed for guidance by science-based ecological criteria. Knowledge about Florida Bay in relation to freshwater inflow will be needed throughout planning, design, and implementation phases of CERP. Modeling will be used to predict biological effects when selecting among alternative components and designs, and monitoring will be used to "take the pulse of the system" as each project component is implemented. An adaptive assessment process is being developed to coordinate and integrate the input of scientific information and to ensure that modeling and monitoring results lead to improvements in the Plan. The selection of appropriate biological indicators and formulation of performance measures relative to these indicators is a crucial element of this process. Scientific input about Higher Trophic Level species in the Bay is critical to a successful restoration of Florida Bay and associated coastal ecosystems. Higher trophic level species are ecologically and economically important and are viewed as important by the public. Furthermore, higher trophic level species tend to integrate the condition of the ecosystem and reflect it in their responses to environmental change.

    Deteriorating conditions in Florida Bay were a major factor prompting the legislation that led to CERP. Indications in Florida Bay of an ecosystem in poor health have included (1) a decline in catch rates of commercial and recreational species that depend on the Bay as juvenile nursery habitat, (2) algal blooms in western Florida Bay and central Florida Bay, (3) massive seagrass die-offs in western Florida Bay, (4) sponge mortalities in southwestern Florida Bay, and (5) declines in mangroves on islands and shorelines of the Bay. While some seagrass areas have recovered since the original die-offs observed in 1987, new seagrass die-off areas have appeared.

    The shortest and most direct pathway of effects of water management on the higher trophic levels of Florida Bay is through the effects of freshwater flow on salinity and the effects of salinity on survival, growth, and reproduction. Salinity affects physiological processes that may influence growth, survival, and reproduction of many higher trophic level species. The appropriate flow regime to restore the Bay ecosystem must be determined by linking the salinity requirements of key indicator species and communities to the freshwater inflows required to maintain these salinities in the specific locations where other suitable habitat conditions (e.g., bottom type, depth, shoreline type) are found. These areas must also be accessible to pre-settlement stage immigrants.

    Another possible pathway for water management effects is through the establishment of gradients of salinity and/or organic compounds that provide directional clues or stimuli for early life stages migrating into Florida Bay. Except for brief experimental work on pink shrimp postlarvae and juveniles conducted by Hughes (1967a, b), there has not been any work on this topic specific to Florida Bay, however information from other areas suggests that this factor could be of great importance in determining settlement of HTL species in the Bay.

    Secondary effects of water management on higher trophic level organisms, as, for example, through effects on important benthic habitat such as seagrass and sponges, may occur (e.g., possibly through salinity effects, nutrient effects, turbidity effects, etc.), and these effects must also be evaluated.

    In addition, loads of mercury and other contaminants related to freshwater inflow must be determined in relation to water management, and effects on indicator organisms predicted.

    The CERP process extends beyond Florida Bay to encompass interactions between Florida Bay and the Florida Keys Reef Tract and the human-influenced factors that affect the Bay, the reef tract, and their interactions. In particular, as part of CERP, a Florida Bay-Florida Keys Feasibility Study is underway by the Corps of Engineers that will require further scientific input about the factors that influence higher trophic level species of Florida Bay and coastal waters. Many higher trophic level species range between the Bay and coastal reefs within their life cycle. The development of scientific knowledge about higher trophic level species of the Bay, therefore, must extend beyond Florida Bay to address the greater ecosystem that supports these species. This includes the Florida Current, the Tortugas Gyre, and their influence on Florida Bay. Investigations also should address possible higher trophic level effects on the reef tract of discharges from the water management system and water exchanges with Florida Bay, as well as the long term higher trophic level effects in Florida Bay of the existing overseas highway connecting the Keys to the mainland.


General Trophic Characteristics of Florida Bay HTLs

    The Florida Bay food web includes herbivores, detritivores, planktivores, and piscivores at three to four trophic levels (Figure 1) (Browder et al. 1998). The primary producers that are the food-web base include phytoplankton, epiphytes, benthic algae, seagrass, and mangroves. Although seagrass communities dominate much of the bay, stable-isotope analysis of food web structure and sources of primary production indicate that the hard-bottom communities of southern Florida Bay function more or less independently of seagrass, with most energy derived from benthic macroalgae or phytoplankton (Behringer and Butler, 1999). Within the Bay, the food web has two major branches, pelagic (water-column) and benthic (on or near the bottom). These branches may converge at the highest trophic levels. The following information is summarized from the March, 1998, Higher Trophic Levels Group Report.

    In the pelagic branch, zooplankton and filter-feeding planktonic stages of fishes, crustaceans, mollusks, and other taxa feed on phytoplankton (e.g., copepods, velliger larvae, etc.) in the water column and are preyed upon by small schooling pelagic fish such as bay anchovy and hardhead silversides. The benthic branch includes filter feeders (e.g., sponges, bivalve molluscs, ascidians, polychaetes, etc.) and demersal grazers or detritivores such as amphipods, harpacticoid copepods, polychaetes, striped mullet, and post-settlement stages of mollusks and other invertebrates. The next level of benthic consumers includes a host of small demersal fish and macroinvertebrates that feed on small invertebrates. Dominant members of this group include gulf toadfish, goldspotted killifish, rainwater killifish, dwarf seahorse, dusky pipefish, gulf pipefish, spotfin mojarra, silver jenny, white grunt, pigfish, pinfish, and silver perch (Thayer et al. 1999). Pink shrimp and many taxa of small caridean and penaeoidean shrimp also are numerically abundant in the Bay (Robblee pers. comm.). Juvenile spiny lobster are abundant in the southwest portion of the bay, south of major mudbank barriers (Field and Butler 1994, Herrnkind et al. 1997). Information on the food habits of these species in Florida Bay is limited (Ley et al. 1994), although Schmidt (1993) provides information for some species in the Whitewater Bay and Shark River estuary, and some information is available from studies elsewhere. This information suggests that most of these demersal fish are generalists and eat a variety of benthic invertebrates. A few studies employing stable-isotope analysis have also identified certain trophic relationships in Florida Bay’s seagrass (Zieman 1981) and hard-bottom communities (Behringer and Butler 1999).

    Small fish and macroinvertebrates are the prey of larger fish, including game fish and sharks. Within the Florida Bay area, gray snapper and red drum eat primarily shrimp and crabs, whereas barracuda, sea trout, and snook eat more fish than crustaceans (Marshall 1954, Croker 1960, Yokel 1966, Fore and Schmidt 1973, Rutherford et al. 1983, Harrigan et al. 1989, Hettler 1989, Schmidt 1989, 1986). Of the abundant forage fishes, those that appear to be important in the diet of some piscivorous fishes are gulf toad fish (lemon shark), pinfish (lemon shark and snook), hardhead silversides (snook), goldspotted killifish (barracuda), and rainwater killifish (barracuda and sea trout). In southern Florida Bay, juvenile lobster constitute a large fraction of the diets of a variety of fish: nurse shark, bonnethead shark, southern stingray, bonefish, permit, and gulf toad fish (Smith and Herrnkind 1992). Small mollusks are abundant in Florida Bay and probably are fed on by rays and fish such as sheepshead. Nurse sharks and bonnethead sharks, as well as large rays, are commonly seen in Florida Bay on aerial surveys (S. Bass, pers. comm.).

    The many piscivorous water birds that live in the Bay seasonally or year-around also eat small fish and macroinvertebrates such as crabs and shrimps, although this is poorly documented. Piscivorous birds in the Bay include double-crested cormorants, brown pelicans, red-breasted mergansers, laughing gulls, ring-billed gulls, royal terns, and many wading bird species, as well as bald eagles and osprey. The most abundant wading bird species in the Bay seasonally are White Ibis and Great Egrets (Browder et al. in prep). The Bay is a major habitat for the Great White Heron, Roseate Spoonbill, and Reddish Egret. All of these species feed in the Bay proper or in shallow ponds on the Bay’s islands.

    The bottlenose dolphin is another high-level predator in Florida Bay and, based on studies elsewhere in South Florida, probably feeds on fish at several trophic levels. The American crocodiles that occur in the northern Bay and the American alligators that penetrate the northern Bay during wet years also are predators on the Bay’s small fish populations.

    West Indian manatees and green and loggerhead sea turtles occur in Florida Bay, although they do not appear to be numerically abundant in the Bay. As large herbivores, the manatees and adult green sea turtles may have once been an important ecological force in the Bay. Their numbers in the Bay today may be too limited for them to have much influence on the ecosystem.


Biological characteristics of Higher Trophic Level Group
(species, life stages, migration patterns, etc.)

    The relationship of HTL species to freshwater inflow is complex. The HTL species group of Florida Bay is made up of many species with different life histories; dietary and energy needs; abundance, distribution and movement patterns; and habitat and salinity requirements. Many animal species of Florida Bay (e.g., pink shrimp, spiny lobster, gray snapper) are spawned offshore, then migrate to Florida Bay in early life stages to grow to maturity in shallow, relatively protected and food-rich nursery grounds, after which they leave the Bay to renew the offshore spawning. Other species (e.g., spotted sea trout and most caridean shrimps) live their entire lives in the Bay, but have different dietary, energy, salinity, and habitat requirements in their various life stages. Still other species are transients that move between the Bay and the nearby reef tract in response to daily or seasonal rhythms.



    Major fisheries operate in the coastal waters of South Florida, contributing strongly to the economic base of the area as direct production, "value added", and purchases generated in support industries such as tourism, restaurants, fishing supply stores, and dive shops. Many of the coastal fisheries have ecological connections to Florida Bay. The Florida reef tract supports both commercial and recreational fisheries for snapper and grouper.

    Many fishery species associated with the Florida Keys Reef Tract and the waters near the Dry Tortugas spend some part of their life cycle in Florida Bay. This includes not only pink shrimp, spiny lobster, and gray snapper but also sparids, grunts, other snappers, and possibly groupers (although the population levels of groupers in the Bay are low). Shelf waters near the Dry Tortugas islands are the most important commercial fishing grounds for pink shrimp in Florida, and Florida Bay is a major pink shrimp nursery ground. Florida Bay also contains important spiny lobster nursery habitat, and Everglades National Park is a fishing-free sanctuary for spiny lobster.

    Recreational fishing is an expanding sport in the Florida Keys, Tortugas waters, and Florida Bay, both within and outside the boundaries of Everglades National Park.. Commercial and recreational fishing for Spanish mackerel, spiny lobster, and other species takes place in the greater Florida Bay area outside the Park.

    The growing demand for fish and popularity of fishing have increased the pressure on fishery populations in South Florida. This pressure is especially reflected in declining sizes and densities of snappers and groupers and changes in the trophic structure of fish assemblages on reefs (Ault et al. 1998). These changes are apparent even in the Tortugas area and are consistent with similar changes previously detected in the Florida Keys (Schmidt et al. 1999).


Florida Bay as Habitat

    Florida Bay is bordered on the north by the Florida mainland, on the west by the nearshore coastal shelf, and on the east by the Florida Keys, which partially separate the Bay from the nearshore reef. A series of embayments and coastal lakes connected to Florida Bay form the Bay’s border with the mainland. The intercoastal waterway circumscribes the Bay and defines the boundaries of the Bay portion of Everglades National Park.

    Florida Bay is a spatially complex system. The Bay is made up of many sub-basins partially separated from each other by a network of banks, which are broadest in the west but more effective barriers to water flow in the east. Tides are propagated from the west to the east, and tidal amplitude decreases from over 35 cm in the west to virtually zero in the east (Smith 1997). The annual variation in sea level (~15 cm in Key West) is a more important determinant of water depths in the eastern Bay than tidal variation (Smith 2000). Wind has a major influence on water levels in the Bay. Benthic habitats in Florida Bay include seagrass meadows (both mixed and monotypic), open sand bottom, mudbanks, and hard-bottom areas supporting sponges, octocorals, corals, and extensive stands of macroalgae.

    Circulation patterns near the boundaries of the Bay have been well studied (Lee et al. 1994, 1999, 2000; Wang and Monjo 1995), but mixing patterns within the Bay are poorly known. Wind is thought to be a more important influence on mixing than tide, especially in the Bay’s interior. Net water flow across the western boundary of the Bay is from west to east, from the Gulf to the Atlantic, except along the western boundary’s most southerly reaches, where the net flow is in the opposite direction (Smith 2000).

    Freshwater inflows to the various parts of the Bay differ. Fresh water enters the eastern Bay through Taylor Slough and many coastal creeks that empty into small coastal embayments connected to the Bay. Fresh water enters western Florida Bay after mixing with coastal waters off southwest Florida, which receive the main flow of the Everglades and Big Cypress. The northcentral Bay receives freshwater inputs less frequently than eastern and western Bay areas because of a natural coastal berm that retards flow to the Bay. Fresh water enters the northcentral Bay when an as yet unknown threshhold water level in the southern Everglades is exceeded. Rainfall on the Bay is the main source of fresh water to the Bay, however salinity patterns in the northern and western Bay indicate an influence of freshwater inflow.

    A major feature of Florida Bay is an area of hypersalinity in the northcentral Bay that appears intermittently, can persist for years, and can expand to the western and southern Bay (Fourqurean et al. 1989, Klein 199?). A nucleus of hypersalinity, sometimes greater than 50 ppt, occurs in the northcentral Bay. Not only are freshwater flows to this area restricted by the coastal berm, but mixing with waters of adjacent areas is restricted by island chains to the east and broad shallow banks to the west. Low species diversity and low biomass are usually associated with extreme hypersalinity, although some tolerant species can be highly abundant.

Reef and Coastal Connections to Florida Bay

    Florida Bay lies between the Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico and is connected to both of these bodies through regional-scale circulation and exchange processes and the oceanic boundary currents that influence these processes. The southwest Florida Shelf to the west and the Keys coastal zone to the east and south of Florida Bay interact with each other and the Bay through the tidal channels between the Keys and also by means of their boundary currents (Herrnkind and Butler 1994, Lee et al. 2000). A dominant process potentially affecting water transport and the transport of eggs and larvae to Florida Bay is the strong coherent response to alongshore wind forcing, coupled with seasonal stratification in response to variation in wind-mixing, air-sea exchange, and river runoff along the nearshore western shelf. Boundary current dynamics and eddy processes are also critical larval transport mechanisms that operate both on the regional and local scales. Transport response to prevailing easterly winds may vary along the Florida Keys as a result of the curvature of the coastline (Lee et al. 2000), Easterly winds are expected to favor onshore larval transport between the Lower Keys and the Dry Tortugas where the coastline is east-west oriented. Onshore convergence of the Florida Current can also facilitate transport into the coastal zone of the Keys, and this occurs mainly in the upper Keys where the shelf narrows and curves northwards.

    Frontal eddies of the Loop Current in the Gulf of Mexico that propagate southward along the outer edge of the western shelf may be trapped and develop into persistent gyres off the Dry Tortugas. The subsequent arrival of another frontal eddy or the abrupt retreat of the Loop Current may dislodge the gyre, which then moves eastward along the southeastern shelf off the Florida Keys in the form of a transient coastal eddy. The Tortugas gyre provides a retention mechanism for periods of weeks to up to 3 months. The area of the Dry Tortugas is an important spawning site for penaeid shrimps, spiny lobsters, and some species of snappers and groupers (Limouzy-Paris et al. 1997). Coastal eddies originating from the Dry Tortugas and propagating downstream may be a mechanism to deliver pre-settlement stages from spawning site to nursery site.

    Observed crustacean larval distribution patterns in the Florida Keys coastal zone corroborate many of the predictions based on key coastal transport processes. Early-stage phyllosomata (<2 mo old) were concentrated within or at the boundaries of a gyre, in the pattern hypothesized for passive drifters (Yeung and Lee. In prep.). However, the abundance of strong swimming spiny lobster postlarvae is not highly correlated with wind-driven currents that can affect the coastal transport of more passive drifters (Acosta and Butler 1997) . High concentrations of pink shrimp larvae were found in the Tortugas Gyre in late spring-early summer (Criales and Lee 1995). High densities of larvae and postlarvae of 10 different shrimp families were found off Looe Key during the presence of a gyre (Criales and McGowan 1993, 1994).

    The Florida Keys Reef Tract, which extends, with only minor interruption, along the entirety of the Florida Keys and is the core component of the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary, is affected by the same large (regional)-scale and local-scale oceanic processes that affect Florida Bay. The reef tract is populated by a great diversity of life associated to varying degrees with coral reef structure. Animal populations at all trophic levels depend upon nearby seagrass beds, low-relief hardbottom, and algal turf for feeding. Reef tract populations are replenished not only by local spawning but also by spawning upstream. The upstream distance limit is primarily determined by current velocity and larval development rate, which ranges from two weeks in some invertebrates and fish to up to 12 months in spiny lobster. Recruitment of some species to the Florida Keys Reef Tract from as far away as the western Caribbean has been postulated. The argument for multiple upstream larval sources for the Florida spiny lobster population is especially strong, given the wide geographic range of the species and its extraordinarily long planktonic larval life (Lyons 1980, Yeung et al. 2000), and is supported by mtDNA analysis (Silberman et al. 1994). Recent studies, however, support the potential importance of more local sources of recruitment in maintaining reef fish populations.

    The lower southwest shelf in the vicinity of the Dry Tortugas is one potential source of recruitment to the Florida Keys Reef Tract and Florida Bay. The islands of the Dry Tortugas and surrounding shallow waters, now both a national park and part of the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary, lie roughly 70 miles west of Key West and are known for remoteness and relatively unspoiled marine richness. The coastal shelf in the vicinity of the Dry Tortugas is the major spawning ground for pink shrimp in Florida. Recent research is uncovering luxuriant, previously unknown and unmapped coral reefs near the Dry Tortugas, as well as near the Marquesas, which lie between the Dry Tortugas and Key West.



Florida Bay Risk Assessment Conceptual Model

    A risk assessment conceptual model was prepared by the Florida Bay PMC in collaboration with CERP to encapsulate the best available scientific knowledge and most likely hypotheses about the major sources and stressors potentially affecting Florida Bay, major Bay attributes expected to be affected, and the pathways and processes through which effects occur (Figure 2). Performance measures were then formulated to reflect the responses of each attribute. Water quality condition, the seagrass community, mollusks and filter feeders, pink shrimp, the fish community, and fish-eating birds were identified as attributes in this model. This model is a product of a series of workshops involving scientists with current knowledge of Florida Bay and is consistent with recent reviews and plans, although some details or omissions may not be consistent with the opinions of every contributor.

    The stated purpose of this model is to "identify restoration goals and success criteria and the minimum measurements required to determine whether these criteria are being met." The principal immediate goal of risk assessment conceptual model development is to provide the basis for designing a monitoring program funded by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the South Florida Water Management District under CERP. This is the reason for its relatively narrow definition of attributes and performance measures. This model is a living document that will undergo periodic revision and update, at which time new understanding about the system, including new attributes, will be incorporated. The HTL Program should not be constrained to building knowledge about only what is included in this model because continuing research may identify other relevant connections and attributes. Furthermore, there are other funding sources to broaden the science to support Florida Bay ecosystem restoration. However it is useful at this time to know where some emphasis should be placed to ensure that immediate identified science needs of CERP are met.

Higher Trophic Level Comprehensive Conceptual Model

    The "Factors" model in Figure 3 was developed as part of the March, 1998, Report of the original HTL Science Planning Group. It is a comprehensive overview of the HTL components of the Bay and the internal and external factors that influence those components. There are three HTL components in the model: benthos community structure, forager community structure, and predator community structure. Life cycles and processes such as grazing, predation, and movement patterns are internal influences on these components. External forces are organized into two categories: climatic variability and anthropogenic effects. Freshwater inflow is included in both categories because rainfall on the watershed and water management both affect freshwater inflow to Florida Bay. Further, there is a direct rainfall input of freshwater to Florida Bay. Other anthropogenic effects include fishing pressure, habitat alteration, and inputs of nutrients and contaminants. Except for fishing, which affects HTLs directly, the external forcing functions affect HTLs primarily through their effects on habitat, salinity, water clarity, and water and sediment concentrations of nutrients and contaminants.

HTL Strategic Conceptual Model

    A strategic conceptual model to help guide Florida Bay HTL research is shown in Figure 4. The model incorporates the following major concepts:

  1. The scope of research on HTLs of Florida Bay must include within-bay, cross boundary, and greater coastal ecosystem processes, and these processes should be examined at time scales from seasons to decades;
  2. Higher trophic level processes and patterns potentially affected by water management occur at the population, community/trophic, and ecosystem level;
  3. HTL responses to water management are expected to occur through water management effects on salinity, the area of co-occurence of biologically favorable salinity and habitat, the condition of biological habitat (e.g., seagrass, sponge, coral), animal movements, and loading of nutrients or toxicants;
  4. Intrinsic factors potentially influencing responses to water management include physiological salinity requirements, dietary and energy requirements, and trophic relationships, all of which may differ by species, life stage, and spawning and migration characteristics;
  5. At the bay scale, other potential influencing factors on HTLs include salinity-temperature interactions, toxicant concentrations in freshwater inflow, and fishing;
  6. At the shelf scale, other potentially influencing factors include temperatures on spawning grounds, larval transport processes, and fishing.


1. What is the potential effect of water management and other human activities on recruitment, growth, and survivorship of higher trophic level species?

Critical Research Hypotheses

Recent Progress

Present Research

Needed New Research


2. What is the potential effect of water management on bioaccumulation of mercury?

Critical Research Hypotheses

Recent Progress

Present Research

Needed New Research


3. Do HTL community composition or trophic structure in Florida Bay vary in time and space, what factors are responsible for this variation changes, and what processes are affected?

Critical Research Hypotheses

Recent Progress

Present Research

Needed New Research


4. What processes are involved in the transport of pre-settlement stages of fish and invertebrates to the boundaries of Florida Bay, what are their schedules?

Critical Research Hypotheses

Recent Progress

Present Research

Needed New Research

5. What pathways do early life stages of offshore spawned HTLs use to enter Florida Bay, what is the relative importance and extent of penetration into the Bay’s interior by these pathways, and what factors influence transport and settlement?

Critical Research Hypotheses

Recent Progress

6. What animals and animal activities affect major ecological processes in Florida Bay such as primary productivity and nutrient cycling, what is the relative magnitude of the animal role, and how does water management affect the performance of this role?


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Browder, J. A., Z. Zein-Eldin, and M. Robblee. 2001. Pink Shrimp Dynamics in Florida Bay: Effects of Salinity and Temperature on Growth, Survival, and Recruitment to the Tortugas Fishery. Abstract. 2001 Florida Bay Conference.

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Butler, M.J., T. Dolan, W. Herrnkind, and J. Hunt. In press. Modeling the effect of spatio-temporal variation in postlarval supply on recruitment of Caribbean spiny lobster. Marine and Freshwater Research.

Camp, D. K., R. E. Matheson, M. B. Robblee, G. W. Thayer, L. P. Rozas, and D. L. Meyer. 2001. Distribution and abundance of seagrass-associated fauna in Florida Bay: the effects of salinity and other habitat variables on resident fish and selected decapod crustaceans. Extended Abstract. 2001 Florida Bay Conference.

Chanton, J. P., L. C. Chasar, C. Koenig, F. Coleman, and T. Petrosky. 2001. Past and present trophic structure of Florida Bay: stable isotope analyses. Extended Abstract. 2001 Florida Bay Conference.

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Criales, M. M., D. Jones, C. Yeung, W. J. Richards, and T. L. Jackson. 2001. Supply of pink shrimp postlarve through intertidal channels into Florida Bay. Extended Abstract. 2001 Florida Bay Conference.

Criales, M.M. and M.F. McGowan. 1994. Horizontal and vertical distribution of penaeidean and caridean larvae and micronektonic shrimps in the Florida Keys. Bull. Mar. Sci. 54: 843-856.

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Croker, R.A. 1960. A contribution to the life history of the gray (mangrove) snapper, Lutjanus griseus (Linnaeus). M.S. Thesis. Uiniv. of Miami, Miami, Fla. 93pp.

Delgado, G. A., T. W. Schmidt, A. Acosta, and R. Bertelsen. 2001. Evaluation of fishing trends in Everglades National Park, Florida, USA: Spatial, temporal, and environmental factors that affect the catch rate of snook and spotted seatrout. 2001 Florida Bay Conference.

Dennis, G. D. and K. J. Sulak. 2001. Mangrove prop-root habitat as essential fish habitat in northeastern Florida Bay. Extended Abstract. 2001 Florida Bay Conference.

Evans, D.W. and P.H. Crumley. 2000. Origin of Elevated Mercury Concentrations in Fish from Florida Bay. Poster presented at the Greater Everglades Ecosystem Restoration Science Conference. Dec. 11-15, 2000. Naples FL.

Evans, D. W., P. H. Crumley, D. Rumbold, S. Niemczyk, and K. Laine. 2001. Linking everglades restoration and enhanced freshwater flows to elevated concentrations of mercury in Florida Bay fish. Extended Abstract. 2001 Florida Bay Conference.

Faunce, C. H., J. J. Lorenz, J. Barimo, and J. E. Serafy. 2001. Size-structure of gray snapper (Lutjanus griseus) within a mangrove "no-take" sanctuary. Extended Abstract. 2001 Florida Bay Conference.

Faunce, C. H., J. J. Lorenz, and J. E. Serafy. 2001. Utilization of mangrove-lined creeks by fishes within the Crocodile Sanctuary of Everglades National Park. Extended Abstract. 2001 Florida Bay Conference.

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